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Formative assessment


We use a growth mind-set approach valuing mistakes as they help us to learn. Children need to develop skills to work on and improve their work through understanding their next steps.
The children are encouraged to respond to both verbal and written feedback . Children have a success criteria to use to see if they have been successful.
Older children will also peer mark and help other children to edit their work.
Staff ask questions while the children are working and adapt work accordingly. Verbal feedback is essential. The most important way children are assessed is through talking with adults especially at this young age.



Summative assessment

 We use Target Tracker to monitor our data. Progress is recorded termly and the data analysed. This links to the Early Years Development Matters and National Curriculum. We buy in support from Target Tracker to ensure that we moderate successfully. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Teachers highlight the coverage and understanding of the curriculum and make a judgement about where the child is.
Teachers have progress meetings with the Head teacher each half term. Data is analysed by subject leaders termly and next advice given on next steps. 
The progress of all the children is checked and action is taken for any child who not is making the expected rate of progress.

EYFS Observations


Early Years also use Tapestry to record observations of children's progress. This in an online tool that parents can also access and record their child's learning. Providing an ongoing dialogue between home and school. 



Evidence for Learning 


At Carrington Infant School we  recognise that age-related expectations are not appropriate for all of our children, especially those working below the expected National Curriculum standard. Therefore, we have recently moved over to a new and exciting way of assessing some pupil’s progress using Evidence for Learning (EFL). 


Evidence for Learning (EFL) enables us to evidence, assess, review and plan for the unique needs of our children. 


Using Evidence for Learning we are able to track the progress of our children from their individual starting points by capturing evidence inside and outside of the classroom and assigning this to their curriculum framework. 


The annual review of the Educational Health Care Plan(EHCP) is always at the heart of our assessment, teaching and learning. Evidence for learning allows us to monitor the progress of our pupils' personalised learning goals as outlined in their EHCP.

NFER Assessments

We use NFER assessments in Year 2 from the Autumn term and in Year 1 from the Spring term. 

We use the NFER Hub to enable us to analyse the data and shape the teaching to enable pupils to make good progress. 


Statutory testing 


We baseline the children on entry and then complete an end of year profile based on all the areas of learning. Children are observed through play and in small groups to see what they know and understand. They are then assessed as working towards (emerging) or working at expected. This profile is shared with parents alongside the unique characteristics of their child's learning. The results of the assessment are also sent to the Department for Education.

Year One:

The children undertake a phonics assessment with a known adult where they sound out and blend alien or made up words and some real words. This helps us know how well the child has grasped phonics as this is basis of so much learning. Parents will receive information about the test and how they can help their child. Again we share results with parents and the DFE. This assessment takes place in June.

Year Two:

Children are assessed against a set criteria in Reading, Writing and Maths in May. An overall judgement is made about to see if the children are working towards, achieving the expected level or working at greater depth with the results being given to the DFE at the end of June. Parents will get information about these assessments (SATs) so they can support their child. We always aim for the child to be comfortable and stress free when taking the tests and only children who are working at the appropriate level will take the tests in liaison with parents. We use outside support to moderate our results. 

Parents consultations

At the beginning of the school year your child’s class teacher will meet to outline expectations for the year ahead. We share these through the learning platforms: Class Dojo and Tapestry. There are two further meetings in Autumn Term and in Spring Term. Meetings also take place within these sessions for children with special needs supported by the our special needs co-ordinator. Parents will be given copies of children's learning levels and targets and can also look at their child's books. Parents will be informed of any interventions that their child is receiving and any targets they have if they have a support plan. 


Parents are always welcome to make an appointment to discuss any concerns that they might have about their child. We try to operate an open door policy within normal working hours. You can also email the office or phone Mrs Cliffe or Mrs Barron for advice. 

Contact Details and Useful Links
