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Carrington Bear's Curriculum - PSHE


The Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education Guidance Feb 2020 says that, ‘To allow teachers the flexibility to deliver high-quality PSHE we consider it unnecessary to provide new standardised frameworks or programmes of study. Teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and do not need additional central prescription.’ 

The Relationship Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education Statutory Guidance says that, 'Schools are free to determine how to deliver the content set out in this guidance, in the context of a broad and balanced curriculum.'




At Carrington Infant School, we offer pupils the opportunity to learn how to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Pupils are given the chance to explore the way they are developing personally, socially and morally. Our school values are central to all that takes place at Carrington Infant School; they are woven into the topics discussed and explored as pupils relate to the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. PSHE learning is not restricted to the classroom with valuable discussions taking place at any given opportunity. 


Our bespoke PSHE Curriculum is named Carrington's Curriculum. It is underpinned by our three core values of kindness, respect and honesty and it has the celebration of the differences we have in our wonderful school at its core. In addition to the statutory curriculum objectives, it include topics that, through pupil and parental voice, we know that our community want to lean about such as: first aid, animal safety and learning Makaton. Our sparkling PSHE offer also includes half-termly walks around our village to recognise and appreciate the awe and wonder here in Flackwell Heath. We have a dedicated Carrington's Curriculum ClassDojo page where all lessons are recorded in a variety of ways such as videos, photographs, voice recordings or songs.  

Carrington Bear the mascot of Carrington's Curriculum



The curriculum is taught through six focus topics which link directly to our school values. Each in turn teach and highlight the British Values. We innovatively record progress and learning through a dedicated ClassDojo page: this allows all stakeholders a window into the sparkling learning that is happening. Weekly, the school come together to discuss: the focus of Carrington’s Curriculum focus of the week; celebrate Zones of Regulation award winners; learn a new Makaton sign and award the Makaton signer of the week.

Carrington Bear's Curriculum Map

Progression of Knowledge and Skills Document

PSHE at Carrington Infant School

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