Contact Details
- 01628 523356
Carrington Infant School,2 Chapel Road, Flackwell Heath,High Wycombe HP10 9AA
Infant School
This is a daily nurture provision, which has two adults and six pupils in the provision. The Willow Class teacher and the Assistant Head: Inclusion assess learning and social and emotional needs and give the support that is needed to remove the barriers to learning. The relationship between the two nurture staff is always nurturing and supportive, providing a role model for children. Food is shared at ‘breakfast’ or ‘snack time’ with much opportunity for social learning, helping children to attend to the needs of others, with time to listen and be listened to. As the children learn academically and socially they develop confidence, become responsive to others, learn self-respect and take pride in behaving well and in achieving.
Carrington Infant School,2 Chapel Road, Flackwell Heath,High Wycombe HP10 9AA