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Infant School

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Oracy is one of our key curriculum drivers and we think our children should be taught the skills they need to speak confidently and listen carefully.


We expose our children to rich vocabulary and help them to understand the meanings of words so they can use them accurately in context. 


We also teach the children simple Makaton so they can understand the importance of inclusive communication. 



We are proud to have an onsite Speech and Language Therapist, Chloe Eastment. Chloe works three days a week in our ARP and offers monthly support in our mainstream school.


The offer is bespoke and therefore depends on the need. This includes assessment of pupils, target setting, training, open surgeries for parents and observations.


Recent studies have found that 1 in 5 children have difficulties around speech and language and we know that early intervention is key. We are therefore extremely privileged to be able to offer this provision in our school.



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