Contact Details
- 01628 523356
Carrington Infant School,2 Chapel Road, Flackwell Heath,High Wycombe HP10 9AA
Infant School
Please see below medical letters and forms to be completed and returned to school if your child needs to be given medicine during school hours or if they have been diagnosed with asthma or a serious allergy. These forms are checked and updated, if necessary, each year.
Medicines in school
Pupils, who need access to medication on a continuous basis e.g. asthma inhalers or ventilators, or insulin for diabetics have health care plans in school outlining treatment. All medication should be in suitable clear, tamper proof containers. Where able to do so, pupils will self medicate under supervision of trained staff. Pupils who are undertaking a course of prescribed medication that needs to be administered during the day e.g. after meals, may have the medication administered by school staff, agreed by parents/carers. A second member of staff will always be present and record medication given in the medicines book.
Medicine stored must be clearly labelled with the pupil’s name and the name and dose of the drug and the frequency of administration. If a pupil needs two or more prescribed medicines, each should be in a separate container and labelled as above.
Medicines should not be transferred from their original container.
Any medicines that need to be refrigerated can be kept in a refrigerator containing food but should be kept in an airtight container, clearly labelled. Access to the refrigerator will be restricted.
Pupils with medical needs should know where their medicines are stored. Staff should also know this.
Some medicines such as asthma inhalers must be readily available and therefore not locked away.
Parents/carers will be required to complete a parental consent form if it has been agreed that their child will have medication administered at school.
People who suffer from anaphylactic reactions may need emergency adrenaline treatment. All staff are given training annually. NB. This treatment is unlikely to be harmful if given too soon or in multiple doses.
Parents/carers will be held responsible for the regular collection of any unused medication e.g. at the end of each term, and also for the disposal of date expired medicines.
The school will not take responsibility for the administration of any prescribed medicines if it has not been informed by parents/carers of the medical needs of a particular pupil or formally agreed to the administration.
Carrington Infant School,2 Chapel Road, Flackwell Heath,High Wycombe HP10 9AA