Contact Details
- 01628 523356
Carrington Infant School,2 Chapel Road, Flackwell Heath,High Wycombe HP10 9AA
Infant School
If your child is unable to attend school for any reason, parents should advise the school by telephone or email each day before 9.00am and provide the school with an expected date of return if possible. In an attempt to safeguard all pupils office staff will telephone to clarify absence if pupils are marked absent in the register and no such contact has been received.
Absence can only be authorised by the school and cannot be authorised by parents. All absences will be treated as unauthorised unless a satisfactory explanation for the pupil’s absence has been received.
If you are aware in advance of an absence for your child, please complete the form below and email or hand in to the Office.
For more details of what constitutes authorised and unauthorised absences please see the below school policy.
Children who arrive late at school are recorded in the registers. Any persistent lateness will be followed up.
Carrington Infant School,2 Chapel Road, Flackwell Heath,High Wycombe HP10 9AA