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Infant School

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Voluntary Contributions

For the past few years, we have invited parents to make a termly voluntary contribution of £10.00 to School Funds to enable us to provide a broader and wider range of activities as part of the curriculum which might otherwise be unaffordable. The voluntary donations go into the School Fund rather than the main school budget and having this extra contribution really makes a difference. We have less and less money provided by central Government, higher SEND costs and increasing energy prices to name a few of the challenges faced.   

We pride ourselves at giving the children here a truly rounded experience and draw on the money donated in our school fund, to meet many of the costs of the curriculum enrichment. This is for extra things for the children to make their learning and experience of school as exciting and as stimulating as possible. The School Fund is for things such as:


  • Paying for visiting theatre / workshop companies
  • Guest visitors e.g. author
  • Presents at Christmas from Santa
  • Easter eggs / activities
  • Leavers’ gifts at the leavers’ performance and Year 2 leavers’ party
  • Improvements to school such as playground equipment / stage


We appreciate that at the moment everybody’s budgets are being stretched with the increased cost of living. This is an entirely voluntary contribution and we really appreciate any support you can offer. If you feel that you would like to make this contribution, please return the slip below with the contribution in a named envelope to the office. We are happy to accept cash or payment through the School Gateway App.


Thank you so much for your support.

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