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Federation with Carrington Junior School

Carrington Schools Federation September 2024

Update:  The Carrington Schools Federation has now been agreed and is in action from September 2024


The consultation period for the Carrington Schools Federation proposal ended on Tuesday 4th June.


Thank you to all of you who took the time to share your feedback and thoughts, it has helped us to come to an informed decision.

We are pleased to share that the response was overwhelmingly positive from all stakeholders and thus, the Governing Boards of both schools have now voted to federate effective from September 2024.


As a reminder, the Federation will allow the schools to:

• Build on the close professional working relationship between the two Headteacher's in the best interests of pupils at both schools.

• Work together more efficiently and sustainably to further improve provision and outcomes to increase opportunities for pupils, staff and governors.

• Share resources, expertise and facilities to deliver a stronger leadership team across the Federation.


Next steps:

We will be electing two parent governors (one from each school) and one staff governor. We will be asking for nominations soon, so have a think about whether you would like to be part of the newly formed governing board!


Again, we’d like to thank you all for your support and involvement thus far.


We look forward to this next chapter, driving our schools forward, together.


Jane Wright - Junior Chair of Governors

Nadia Zachary - Infant Chair of Governors

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